Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like... FALL!

We have been enjoying the nice fall weather here at the Leusby household. Trey has been able to be outside and he ENJOYS it!!!! Emily is continuing to love kindergarten. She is playing indoor soccer this winter and tonight she starts gymnastics. Trey is growing at a fast pace. Eating 6oz eery 3-4 hours. And sleeping through the night!! He is also pooping more often than before, at least every other day or two days, which is a big improvement. We have also switched him to a gentle formula which he seems to be handling a lot better. This weekend we take our first adventure up north to visit family. (Trey's first time.) Since T doesn't like the car seat, we plan to leave at night while he sleeps. He is so excited to meet Grandpa, we have been talking about all week!

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